A cartoon graphic of a dark-skinned hand holding a blue microphone under the header "The Fearless Data Presenter". Side bubbles around it say "Limited Time Deal: $10 only" and "a revolutionary course that is going to transform you into a confident & fearless presenter."
Cartoon image of a woman in blue blazer drinking from coffee and looking towards speech bubble that says "confident data presenters win. Because they are not afraid to confidently assert their insights & recommendations, which they know will make a positive impact. This often helps them get the recognition they deserve, like raises & promotions."

this sounds amazing...except this is where you're at:

A woman drawn in comic style touching her forehead with a tear falling down her face looking worried. The text bubble around her says "Sound familiar? Your expert insights go unappreciated because of your presentation anxiety. Your confidence has taken a hit due to past presentation struggles. You often doubt your own abilities. You believe that to be a great communicator, you must change your personality to be loud. THIS IS A MYTH!"

let's unveil the antidote to your communication struggles.


A comic graphic saying "zap!" followed by words saying "This course will transform you from a nervous data presenter into a fearless, assertive one. Even if you're a quiet, introverted person like me."

Imagine what's possible

A comic-style drawing of a woman whispering into the ears of another woman who looks shocked, under a comic-style graphic that says "win!". The speech bubble over the whispering woman says: "You after the course: No longer doubt your own worth. You are now a fearless presenter who knows their value and impact. Step into the meeting room with unwavering confidence, knowing that your presentations will leave a lasting impression on your audience. Enjoy the newfound recognition, respect, and influence that come with being a fearless presenter. You now embrace every opportunity to present your data findings with confidence rather than dread."

here's how i'm going to transform you:

but this page disappears when the countdown timer ends.

Meet your instructor:

A comic-style drawing of Hana, the creator of the course. She's wearing a pink hijab and a purple shirt and brown glasses. Her arms are folded across her chest and she's smiling looking at the readers. Next to her, is a block of text saying "I’m an award-winning data storyteller who loves public speaking despite being a shy introvert. But I wasn’t always like this... I used to fear speaking in front of people 😰 (would get sweaty palms, voice would tremble, etc). Over the last 2 decades I've been conquering my weakness and honing my public speaking skills, even now as a data professional in a Fortune 5 company 💼 Now I’m passionate about helping data professionals like you also take this transformative journey and become confident and effective communicators 💪🏽 I also host The Art of Communicating Data podcast🎙️ , where I’ve interviewed guests like best-selling author Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic🌟 I live in sunny San Jose, California with my husband and toddler and can be found drinking lukewarm water with a straw🥤."

My mission is simple: to empower every data pro to evolve into confident communicators.

"my presentations improved drastically."

Two columns drawn comic style. The left column says "Who this is for" and under it, there are bullets saying "You’re a data practitioner working in the industry or academia You’re a student in the data field You felt unsure at any point when presenting your work or yourself. You want to confidently represent yourself and your work." The right column says who this is not for and bullets out: You hate listening to audio courses. This is the primary format of the course. You don’t want to put in any work but want to see immediate results. You just want to learn how to create the contents of your data presentation. I have a more comprehensive course for that called: Present Data with Confidence.

in this course, You'll Learn to:

Text saying "Overcome past presentation regrets & remorse Bust your limiting beliefs & reframe your mindset Tackle your presentation fears & anxiety Get rid of imposter syndrome Make recommendations with confidence Discover your unique strengths as a data presenter ...and more!" next to it are comic-style drawings of lighting bolt and a graphic that says "Awesome!"

what you'll get:

A graphic listing a table of items included in the course and their values. Audio course $99, prompts workbook $30, affirmations $20, data storytelling 101 workshop $50, presentation prep workbook $30
A comic-style drawing of a woman in blue polk a dot shirt and pink hair. She has a shocked expression and both her hands are on the side of her face. Next to her, the text say total value = $230 but you pay just $10"

This course is ready for immediate access. It will take you a couple of days to go through all the materials.

HECK YES. This course is applicable for all career stages. 

Nope. Go as fast or slow as you want because you will have ongoing access to the course. But the longer you wait to start putting in the work, the later you will get results.

Go ahead and enroll in this course risk free right now. Use my strategies and enjoy the results for a full 30 days. If you’re unsatisfied for any reason – if this course isn’t everything that I say it is, simply e-mail me for a full, prompt and cheerful refund. 

This course is mostly an audio course with some text.

This course is focused on challenging your limiting beliefs, self-doubt and mindset about communication and presentation so that you can be a more confident communicator. This course will NOT about HOW to present. I have a separate, comprehensive course called Present Data with Confidence that teaches you how to prepare and deliver data presentations.

My other course, Present Data with Confidence, is an intensive 6-module course that spans 5 weeks and covers the data presentation process in-depth.

This course just focuses on tackling your nerves, busting your limiting beliefs and transforming your mindset so you can be a fearless communicator.

Your results from this course may vary from other students. Your results will be based on many variables, such as your level of effort, acumen, personal qualities, knowledge, skills, and a host of other variables. We cannot guarantee your success, results, promotions, revenues, nor are we responsible for your success or failure. But if you implement, and constantly use this product you should see a difference, however small.

All material is copyright of Trending Analytics