Elevate Your Career with Exceptional Data Presentation Skills

Impress, inspire and influence your audience by becoming a Confident Presenter

This course helps data professionals to learn how to effectively present their work, so their work can have an impact and they can get the recognition they deserve.



Present data with confidence

This 6-module course with 30 video lessons, 2 workbooks, and handouts will prepare you to become confident data presenters that can impress, inspire and influence your target audience.

usually $249

Now only $147

You can also pay as low as $49 over three installments

Instant Access | 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Imagine what is possible

your life after the course

Course Content

What You'll Learn

Module 1

The Preparation Phase

This module will cover the brainstorming, ideation, data storytelling and sketching processes that are necessary to do before you even open up your slide deck software.

Module 2

Create the Presentation

You’ll learn how to create the actual presentation, from opening to closing slides and even the Q&A ones.

Module 3

Present the Data

This module is all about strategies and techniques for presenting the actual data.

This module will teach different techniques to help you practice and also cover other important prep work to do. You’ll also learn how to develop vocal variety and use your expressions and gestures to captivate your audience.

This module will get you all prepared for the presentation event, including:
  • Logistical preparation
  • Exercises to handle anxiety and nerves 
  • Other prep to do in the minutes leading up to the presentation

This module will coach you what to do during the actual presentation:

  • How to connect and engage with your audience
  • Handling the Q&A
  • How to end the presentation
  • How to handle interruptions and tech hiccups
  • What to do after the presentation

Wahooo, everybody loves a bonus, right?

It gets even better. When you enroll , you’ll also get exclusive access to these awesome bonus offers!

Templates and Checklist

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Exercises to Handle Nerves

This downloadable video lesson is full of different exercises to help you calm your nerves aka those presentation butterflies. 

laptop with a picture of a pop up book below text that says "Data Storytelling 101"

Data Storytelling 101 Workshop

Most of my students find this to be their favorite bonus. Once you complete the course, you’ll get instant access to my Data Storytelling 101 Workshop.

Instant Access | 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

testimonials from past students

what students have to say

Instead of having me talk about how this course can help you, why don’t we see what my past students have to say.

The "Present Data with Confidence" course is a great resources anyone seeking to improve their presentation skills. Well presented and well designed, the course walks you from preparation to creation to actual presentation event itself. Not only do you get an easy to follow framework (including two presentation templates), you get useful tips for giving a successful and impactful presentation. I highly recommend purchasing this course. If you have a data story to tell, this course will help you to reach technical and non-technical audiences.
Picture of a woman, Leah Pope.
Leah Pope
Product Manager
I can honestly say the weekend after taking Hana's [course] my presentations improved drastically. I didn't have the same level of anxiety when preparing for a presentation because she provides such an easy to follow formula that makes success easy! I wish this prep course was an onboarding requirement.
Sarah Hafiz
Sustainability Engineer

Now it’s your turn to get results…

Are you ready to become a confident data presenter?

Instant Access | 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

PLUS... Your Satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed For 30 Days!

Go ahead and enroll in this course risk free right now. Use my data presentation strategies and enjoy the results for a full 30 days. If you’re unsatisfied for any reason – if this course isn’t everything that I say it is, simply e-mail me for a full, prompt and cheerful refund. And just as my way of saying thank you for trying Present Data with Confidence course, you can KEEP access to my Data Storytelling 101 workshop! 
I can’t be any more generous than that, so enroll now… 

This is perfect for you if...

You are a data practitioner who has opportunities to present at meetings, events, conferences, etc

You are a student who works with data or plans on working with data

You want your work to recognized by your team, boss, and higher-ups. You’re in it for the long haul – you want to get raises and promotions and step into roles that require you to present

This is not for you if...

You don’t envision ever having a role that requires you to present to anyone, even your team/boss

You don't work with data at all. You're just reading this page because it's pretty and fun...

Your audience already understands your presentations and always follow your recommendations and remember your presentations

How it works

What happens after your purchase?

You become an amazing presenter overnight. Just kidding! You have to go through the course first! Here’s what will happen after you click one of these pinkish red buttons I keep sprinkling on this page…

receive emails

You’ll get a couple of emails: a welcome email from me, an invoice that’s automatically generated, and an email from ThriveCart with your login access info.

get access

Use the instructions from ThriveCart’s email to access your course. You will have immediate access.

start learning

Start going through the video lessons and filling out the workbooks. The sooner you do this, the sooner you will see results.

who's behind the curtain?

meet your instructor

Hey there, fellow data enthusiast! I’m the wizard behind the data curtain, on a mission to turn every data professional into a confident data presenter, a captivating storyteller, and an unstoppable public speaker.

With nearly a decade of real-world experience, I’ve walked the data-driven path from the halls of academia to the boardrooms of Fortune 5 giants. Along the way, I’ve discovered the secret recipe for presenting analytical insights that leave audiences spellbound.

In both the ivory towers of academia and the fast-paced world of industry, I’ve honed my craft, conjuring up effective data visualizations and weaving captivating narratives that bring data to life.

Join me on this journey and together we’ll unlock the secrets to making numbers dance, charts sing, and your presentations shine like a supernova.

Ready to embark on this epic adventure? It all starts with a click the button below. Let’s make data magic happen!

Frequently asked questions

This is a 6-module course and you will get immediate access to all modules and lessons once you enroll. This is self-paced.

HECK YES. This course is applicable for all career stages. In fact, learning how to present your work as an entry-level employee will help you move up faster as your work gets recognized and appreciated by your higher ups.

Nope. Go as fast or slow as you want because you will have ongoing access to the course. But the longer you wait to start putting in the work, the later you will get results.

Go ahead and enroll in this course risk free right now. Use my data presentation strategies and enjoy the results for a full 30 days. If you’re unsatisfied for any reason – if this course isn’t everything that I say it is, simply e-mail me for a full, prompt and cheerful refund. And just as my way of saying thank you for trying Present Data with Confidence course, you can KEEP access to my Data Storytelling 101 workshop! 
I can’t be any more generous than that, so enroll now… 

This course is made up of mostly videos but also contains a few supplementary materials in the form of text and audio clips.

I got you my friend. I have a whole lesson dedicated to a variety of strategies to overcome your public speaking fears.

still have questions?

are you ready to become a confident presenter?

Instant Access | 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Your results from Present Data with Confidence may vary from other students. Your results will be based on many variables, such as your level of effort, acumen, personal qualities, knowledge, skills, and a host of other variables. We cannot guarantee your success, results, promotions, revenues, nor are we responsible for your success or failure. But if you implement, and constantly use this product you should see a difference, however small.

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